Do you feel pressure to pay off your student loans, practice loans, building, or mortgage? A lot of dentists are conditioned to pay off debts as soon as possible. But when managed correctly, the right amount of debt can be used to build your wealth faster and help you retire better. In this episode of the Dentist Money Show™, Reese and Ryan explain how to pay down debt and save for retirement in a balanced way.
Are stock market declines keeping you up at night? Are you scared to turn on CNBC? How can your retirement fund endure another crash? In a tribute to David Bowie, Reese and Ryan discuss how to react when the market is Under Pressure and how to deal with all the Ch-ch-ch-changes.
Does the idea of paying someone else to handle things like accounting, marketing, collections, and practice management put a bad taste in our mouth? After all, you’re smart enough to do it on your own without shelling out a bunch of cash. But is the Do-It-Yourself approach really saving your bottom line? In this episode of the Dentist Money Show, we discuss the most common reasons dentists decide against outsourcing, the difference between effective and useless outsourcing, and how to get the most out of your consultants and contractors. We also follow the incredible journey of a pencil from tree to Scantron.
Have you mastered the art of balancing work and personal life? Or are you like most professionals who are leaning a little too far into the work side of things? In this episode of the Dentist Money show, we discuss why working more doesn’t always mean earning more, the importance of optimizing your time away from work, and how New Year’s resolutions became a thing.